
Thurman P.(Woody) Woodfork


The Wall At Sunrise. Photograph. Thurman P. Woodfork.
Helluva Time for a Campfire. Photograph. Thurman P. (Woody) Woodfork.

Safe Harbor

I set sail proudly on this sea of life
Now I awake with a shock to find
There, between me and the rest of the world,
The barrier reefs of my mind.

So, here I am, full of longing
Gazing out at the beckoning seas
Aching to depart, my very soul on fire...
But I‚m locked in a prison that is me.

When did I arrive in this harbor?
Why did the reefs slowly form?
At first I was buoyed by their presence;
They protected me from the storms.

Now, as I drift slowly backwards
Til my keel gently grounds on the sands,
I fear I will remain here forever,
Marooned on these sheltered strands.

The sails have all been lowered
And the waves idly lap at my hull,
While a tear slowly wells and spills over
for a life grown barren and dull.
©5/10/2004 Thurman P. Woodfork

~~For all those bunker-bound souls~~


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